Original shapes

All the objects created below should be exported as images and posted to your website.

the chess piece (A Pawn)

  1. Draw an upright large rectangle of any size.
  2. Use the line tool to draw a reverse L.
  3. Draw a small arc (pulling away from the L) from the base.
  4. Draw a longer but slight arc (pulling towards the L)  from the first arc.
  5. Draw a pronounced but short arc (pulling away from the L)   that closes the shape.
  6. Erase the outer lines of the rectangle.
  7. Draw a circle that is twice as wide as the shape below the shape.
  8. With the selection tool click on the outer rim of the circle.
  9. With the follow me tool click on the first shape drawn.
  10. Now format the 3d object as you wish.

an orb

  1. Draw a circle flat on the ground.
  2. Draw a second but upright circle that is about the same width.
  3. With the selection tool select the rim of the circle on the ground.
  4. With the follow me tool select the upright circle.
  5. Now format the 3d object as you wish.

twisted pipe

  1. Draw a twisted line on the ground.
  2. Draw a small upright circle at one of the ends of the line.
  3. Use the selection tool to select the crooked line.
  4. With the follow me tool select the upright circle.
  5. Now format the 3d object as you wish.

polygon tool and follow me

  1. The polygonal shape tool to draw a shape on the ground.
  2. Draw another shape of equal width above it and upright.
  3. Select the shape on the ground and then click on the upright shape with the follow me tool.
  4. Combine the polygonal tool with the rectangle and circle tool to get different shapes.
  5. Create at least 4 different shapes.
  6. Format all 3d objects as you wish.

3 unique shapes

  1. Draw your own shapes (at  least 3)  using the follow me tool and the techniques used above.  You can use images from the internet for inspiration.
  2. Format all 3d objects as you wish.