Kosh flake pt 1(due 5/27)

Objective:To create a block that will be part of a snow flake creator.

To build our program today we will be using recursion. Recursion is a block inside of itself.

You can email me the answers to all questions(steps 2,3,10) and the image(step 9) when you are done!


  1. Use a combination of move and turn blocks to create this shape.
    • snow flake image 1
  2. How many turn blocks did you use?
  3. What were the degrees used for each turn? email me the answers
  4. Now create a block called  flake side (Choose motion and command). video 1
  5. These are the steps shown in the video
    • Add a variable for size and level.
    • Insert an if /else block
    • Under if use a move block and the size variable.
    • Complete the if statement with an equal operation (level =1)
  6. Follow this video to add blocks to the else portion.
  7. Check your work against this image
    • image of kosh flake side script
  8. Now use the degrees you discovered and reported to me in steps 1-3 to complete this block.
  9. Run this block using different levels(such as 3, 4,5) and email me an image.
  10. What will we have to do to complete the snow flake? email me the answer