Art Technology sketchup Happy face 2/28

  1. Do now:What 3d modeling program have we used? form
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    1. In sketchup use the circle tool to draw a circle along the blue horizontal axis line.
    2. Then use the push pull tool to pull out the circle to give it depth
    3. Use the circle tool to create eyes and a nose.
    4. Use the lines tool to draw a mouth.
    5. Use the circle tool to draw a hat for the happy face.
  3. Video
    1. Use the push pull tool to push in the eyes and mouth and pull out the nose.
    2. Draw pupils with the circle tool
    3. Use the paint bucket to apply colors and materials.
  4. Video
    1. Save the happy face as a 3d sketchup file.
    2. Then export the happy face as a jpg image.
  5. Video
    1. Publish the image in your wordpress site and explain what it is you created.



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