Art Technology Sculptris dog face due 2/10

  1. Do now:What tool can we use in sculptris to make something bigger?form
  2. Video
    1. Use the grab tool to pull out the snout(nose and mouth) of the dog.
    2. Pull the top of the head up a bit with the grab tool.
    3. Pull down a bit on the snout with the grab tool
  3. Video
    1. Use the grab tool to pull out the ears and shape them.
    2. Use the smooth tool to remove unwanted features.
  4. Video
    1. Use the grab tool to push in eye sockets and use the draw tool to pull out eyes.
    2. Reshape the back of the dog as necessary and pull out a neck with the grab tool.
  5. Video
    1. Use the crease and smooth tool to create a mouth.
    2. Use the grab tool to reshape where necessary.
  6. Video
    1. Use the grab tool to add details to the nose as in the video.
    2. Paint and save as a 3d object using the disk.
    3. Save as an image using options.
    4. Post to your website.

Computer science unit 4 due 2/10 Number replacement.

  1. Do Now: What are hexadecimal numbers based on? form
  2. Test-If you were absent on 2/8 take test.
  3. Review test-Complete the review worksheets if you got less than a 90 on the exam. Those with 90 or higher continue with the assignments below.
  4. Go to unit 4 lab 2 page 1 and read about  the internet. Then complete this form.
  5. Go to unit 4 lab 2 page 2 and read about Network Redundancy. Then complete this form.