Art Technology-Sculptris- 3d human face

  1. Do Now: How can we save a sculptris 3d object as an image? form
  2. Video
    1. Follow the model of a face drawing.
    2. Pull down from the center using the grab tool. Set the tool to a really large size as shown in the video.
    3. Use the grab tool to pull out the nose. Pull out nostrils from the side of the nose. Pull out the point of the nose a bit more.
  3. Video 
    1. Push the nostrils up just a bit.
    2. Add eye brows and mouth using the draw tool.
  4. Video
    1. Pull out the cheeks a bit with the grab tool.
    2. Then from the back of the head pull out the neck a bit.
    3. Pull out the chin a little.
    4. Push up some of the material between the chin and neck.
  5. Video
    1. Use the grab tool to adjust the size of the head. You may need to push in around the sides and top to make the shape more realistic.
    2. Use the draw tool to add hair.
  6. Video
    1. Use the grab tool to adjust the eyes if necessary and the smooth tool.
    2. Use the paint tool to add color to your sculpture.

Face  model


Compute Science Unit 4 number translation due 2/8


  1. Do Now:Test
  2. Go to unit 4 lab 1 page 3. Read from the top and watch the videos. Then download this document1 about hexadecimal numbers.  Complete it copy it into an email to Mr. Melendez.
  3. Go to unit 4 lab 3 page 3. Read the section on Writing Hexadecimal and the video below at the bottom of the page. Then download this  document2 on translating base ten numbers into hexadecimal numbers. Complete it and copy the results into an email to Mr. Melendez.
  4. Go to unit 4 lab 1 page 4 and read about how to translate base 2 (binary) numbers into base 16 numbers (hexadecimal). Then download this document3. Complete the assignment and email Mr. Melendez the answers.
  5. Go to unit 4 lab 1 page 4 and read about how to  translate hex numbers into binary numbers. Download this document and complete it  document4. Then email Mr. Melendez the answer.
  6. Go to unit 4 lab 1 page 4 and read about  Hexadecimal Colors. Then download this document5 and complete it. email Mr. Melendez the answers.
  7. Go to unit 4 lab 2 page 1 and read about  the internet. Then complete this form.
  8. Go to unit 4 lab 2 page 2 and read about Network Redundancy. Then complete this form.